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PlasticFree’s consultancy department works directly with global brands to identify your post-plastic growth opportunities, helping you transition towards true circularity and continue to future-proof your business in a world of constant uncertainty.
We help catapult businesses into a new era of infinite possibility, upskill and invigorate teams on the material and systems thinking of tomorrow, drive transformational change at the brand, industry, and supply-chain level, and map strategic implications and actions to your business blueprint.
Our global team of experts leverage real-world knowledge, data, solutions and the unrivalled insights from our content platform to create tailor-made recommendations that are fit for the future of design.


  • Active co-solvers: we are active collaborators and work with our expert ecosystem of pioneers to fast-track and expand solutions.
  • Five steps ahead: we know industry can’t change through voluntary action alone. We bring insights from policy and science to create certainty and equality for business.
  • Striving for scale: we understand that speed, scale, and viability are vital if change is to be available for all, in time.
  • Maverick thinkers: we know that material transition needs maverick creativity, or it won’t happen. We will push the boundaries and help you think beyond the status quo.


- In partnership with FS

The path to true circularity isn’t an easy one, but it’s a strategic imperative for any brand looking to retain market relevance in a rapidly changing world of legislation and consumer sentiment – or your business is at risk.

Combining PlasticFree’s strategic sustainability insights with FS’ cultural and consumer-centric intelligence provides you with a tailor-made roadmap to optimise your business in the post-plastic economy.

Commission a Roadmap to True Circularity and ensure your business is set up for future growth.

How it works:

  • Step 1: Immersion: we embed ourselves in the structures, processes and pain points facing your business.
  • Step 2: Processing: we apply our unique strategic lens to your biggest problems, finding new solutions and systems, mapping advice against real-world case studies, data, and consumer insights.
  • Step 3: Delivery: we create, present and workshop a tailor-made roadmap that’s guaranteed to move your business in the right, and only way forward.


We’ve become addicted to plastic, so pivoting to new materials takes foresight, active problem solving, a desire to break free from the norm and the drive to do so.

Our Material Super Sprints kick start this process, quickly unearthing the most scalable and emerging plastic-free solutions relevant to your business. Acting as an extension of your design and NPD teams, we will provide the solutions you haven’t yet thought of, and use our maverick problem solving ability to eradicate your most pernicious plastic problems.

How it works:

  • Step 1: Sprint Session: we immerse ourselves in the brief and discuss the specific materials you’ve already tried and tested without success. What are you looking to achieve, and what are the barriers-to-entry we must overcome?
  • Step 2: Processing: as a global magnet for material innovation and systems change, we unearth the solutions you haven’t considered, applying our unique strategic lens to an exhaustive list of scalable, sellable solutions.
  • Step 3: Delivery: we create a Material Super-Sprint report tailored to your business. Expect global material solutions,  viability reports and subsequent introductions to suppliers.


From Extended Producer Responsibility legislation and Plastic Taxes to the Global Plastics Treaty, a business’ bottom line is at risk from continued plastic use.
One thing is for certain: to stay competitive, the amount of plastic a brand uses must decrease. But do you really know how much plastic you’re using?
PlasticFree’s PLASTIC DEPENDENCY AUDIT gives you the tools to analyse your plastic use, providing the data you need to start designing plastic out at source.
If you need some support auditing your plastic use, PlasticFree will come in and do it for you, saving you valuable time. We conduct the physical inventory, analyse your usage using quantitative and qualitative data and take the hassle out of your next steps.

What you get:

  • Internal Comms Plan
  • Plastic Dependency Report
  • Personalised Roadmap of 5 recommended plastic reduction strategies specific to your industry