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Our Incredible Future Now of The Creative Renaissance

Collage designed by Made Thought for PlasticFree
BeautyFood & BeveragePackagingTextiles

Ben Parker
Founding Partner
Made Thought

Creatives have been part of the problem. Now we must come full circle, to be on the frontline of the fight for solutions.


I have always believed in the incredible power of creatives. We have had an extraordinary impact on the world. Most of the technology we use today was imagined by creatives – by artists, writers, thinkers, visionaries, architects, designers – well before it was developed by engineers, scientists and business.

Seeing is believing, and creatives have the power of vision. We can make things for real — “out of thin air”—moving quickly from theory to prototype. We can cut through complexity, work at pace, and collaborate across cultural boundaries like no others. We can demonstrate how change is possible.


But for too long we’ve been using our skills-for-hire for the wrong things – pushing toxic products, promoting poor ideals and standards, and producing only for the short-term. We’ve become deeply addicted to fossil fuels, driven by hyper-consumption, and we’ve headed down the wrong path to a plastic planet.


We’ve selected the world’s most INNOVATIVE makers of plastic free materials to work with us. Connect with global brands and designers to CREATE WHAT’S NEXT.